Coach Pre-course & USPA Coach Course
March 17, 2022 @ 8:00 am - March 20, 2022 @ 5:00 pm
- This event has passed.
The latest developments at Skydive Ratings have resulted in a new class: The Coach Pre-course. This individually tailored class will help you be successful in the Coach course and prepare you for the class and the jumps
The Coach course is probably the most overwhelming instructional rating course. The course outline covers an incredible amount of information, the teaching skills you are learning take more than just the evaluations to make your own, the jumps are new in that way that you need to be able to focus on your student instead of focusing on yourself. Added to that is the supervision you are giving to “your student”, the equipment checks, the need for altitude awareness and giving the correct hand signals without backing up. Just a lot of new skills- on the ground and in the air- to be nervous about.
The goal of the pre-course is to provide you with proper preparation. Work on your individual air skills, introduce you to some key points of the course outline, Build your confidence and assess your readiness for the course.
There are no minimum requirements for the Coach pre-course. This means that if you are still working on reaching the 100 jumps and you know you want to become a Coach, you could register for a day of Coach pre-course. It is a perfect way for you to find out where you stand skills wise and you will learn what skills/things you can work on before you take the actual Coach course
If you do meet the requirements for the Coach course this is still a great option to gain confidence, build on your skills and become the best Coach you can be!
You can find some Coach pre-course dates on our calendar. We will be happy to schedule an individual day for you! Don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions.
- USPA membership
- Hold a USPA B-license. (We can help you with the USPA license application if needed.)
- minimum of 100 jumps
You need a current IRM (Instructional Rating Manual) and SIM (Skydivers Information Manual) for the course. Current means not older than 24 months. Free pdf files are available on USPA’s website. Send us an email and we will send you a link to the books. If you prefer an actual book you can purchase a printed copy on USPA.org.
For your Coach pre-course activity, which you can find in your USPA profile under credential->education->”view my pre-reqs for rating course”, you will have to complete the Coach exam, which can be done online as soon as you are enrolled in the course. You also have to assist in a full FJC (AFF, Static line or IAD), however if you are unable to, this pre-course activity can be completed during the actual course. If you do that before, your instructor can sign it off online using the “verify” function on their USPA profile.
We now offer a Coach Pre-course. It is a one-day course/class during which we prepare you for the Coach course. In our experience, the Coach course is the most overwhelming instructional rating course. Tons of information that needs to be processed and often times candidates have their hands full with the evaluation jumps where they need to be able to focus on someone else instead of worry about themselves. We offer this pre-course as an option it is not mandatory. We will work on some class stuff and if weather permits work on jump skills. We can and will adept the program of the day to your needs.
We will tailor this pre-course to YOUR individual needs. We can schedule it on the day prior to the Coach course or any day that works for you and us.
You can also take this pre-course when you are not ready for the Coch course yet but would like to prepare for it. For instance, you want to take the Coach course but are still working on the 100 required jumps. There are no specific requirements for this pre-course. Again we can tailor it to your needs.
Cost for the pre-course is $100 plus the cost of all jump slots in the aircraft.
The course starts with verification of the requirements so bring your USPA membership card and logbook if necessary.
The first course day is a full day of classroom. On the other 2 days, we will make the 2 evaluation jumps and the 2 ground preparations.
- Score satisfactory on a Category G1 evaluation jump
- Score satisfactory on a Category G2 evaluation jump
- Score satisfactory on a Category G1 ground prep
- Score satisfactory on a Category G1 ground prep
- Score at least 80% on the IRM Coach Exam
- Satisfactory student equipment check
- Satisfactory debrief of the jumps
Please let us know if you need additional information and /or need a Coach Proficiency card: info@SkydiveRatings.com