Sigma, Wings, Strong and USPA Tandem Instructor Course
January 7, 2022 @ 8:00 am - January 9, 2022 @ 5:00 pm
- This event has passed.
January 7 – 9, 2022
Earning the UPT Sigma Tandem rating is a 3 step process.
- The UPT Tandem course with the 5 course jumps under supervision of a UPT Examiner
- Five Tandem jumps with an experienced jumper who has at least 100 jumps. After the last jump with an experienced jumper you send the UPT Tandem training logbook to UPT and they will issue the Tandem Rating card.
- The probationary period. You will be on probation until you have a total of 25 Tandem jumps.
- 18 years of age
- 500 ram air jumps
- 3 years in the sport
- USPA D license or foreign equivalent
- Hold an Instructional rating
- Current FAA class 3 medical or foreign equivalent
Please bring copies to class of:
- USPA or foreign membership card with D-license number and Coach or Instructor rating endorsement
- Copy of a current FAA class 3 medical certificate or foreign equivalent
- logbooks showing 500 jumps and 3 years in the sport
The Sigma Manual is the course book. It is recommended to print the manual from United Parachute Technologies web-site prior to the course or bring your laptop or tablet. We want you to make the Sigma Tandem exam at home prior to the course. Just let us know that you need the test questions and we will send you the document and a link to the manuals. Please complete your test questions in a digital format on your laptop or tablet and save as either a Word document or .pdf file to bring to the course. Any questions you don’t know the answers to can be left open. If you need a Vector Tandem rating as well let us know. In that case you have to make the Vector exam in addition.
We will be happy to send you the exam questions.
The tandem rating course will take 2 up to 3 days (weather permitting). The first day of the course is a full day of class with lots of practical training and correction of the written exam. On day 2 we will make the jumps.The 3rd day is to finish everything up and for the USPA portion of the course. The USPA Tandem course will be part of the factory rating course and is at no additional charge when taken with this course.
Before you make the Instructor jumps in the first phase of the course, you will get a test of the procedures and malfunctions and problems in the hanging Tandem harness.
The course covers the first 5 jumps of the training program.The jumps with an experienced skydiver do not need examiner supervision. However, we offer the option of making the phase 2 jumps with Skydive Ratings staff because we believe that continuous education is important. We developed a special program to further build your confidence and skill as a Tandem Instructor. This is an optional program. Stay an extra day (or 2 in case of weather) to complete these 5 jumps.
For the course jumps you will need:
- Baggy jumpsuit
- Head protection. Hard helmet or leather hat. Full face helmets are allowed but must have a full vision screen, e.g. Cookie G3
- If you own one please bring your audible
If you already possess a current Tandem Instructor rating from another manufacturer you can get crossed over to the Vector/Sigma rating.
To qualify for cross-training you must:
- Hold a current Tandem rating from another approved manufacturer
- Bring documentation of at least 25 jumps on this system (UPT needs copies of logbook entries)
- Meet all the requirements of the initial UPT tandem course (see above)
The course book is the the Sigma Tandem manual from UPT. It is available on UPT’s web-site. To pass the course you must make the Sigma Tandem written exam.We want you to make the test at home, preferably on the computer (word or pdf)and bring the answers to the course. Or if you have to use pen and paper Do NOt write the answers on the question form but on separate sheets of paper.
You need to bring copies of:
- Current tandem rating
- Logbook entries with 25 tandem jumps
- FAA class 3 medical certificate
- USPA membership card with D-license number and Instructional rating endorsement
The course consists of some classroom and a minimum of 2 evaluation jumps. The Vector and Sigma tandem written exams will be corrected during the course before the jumps begin.