March 10, 2022 @ 8:00 am - March 13, 2022 @ 5:00 pm
- This event has passed.
3 Groups of 5 Participants + Coach
3 days camp – March 10th-11th-12th at Skydive City (13th extra day might be added as extra day for big way action)
Registration fee: $390 + your own jumps ($95 extra for Sunday, depending on confirmation)
Video Debrief in every jump
Coaches / Organizers / Video:
- Keith “Kebe” Snyder and Gian Franco Malinconi – Sky Surfing Angles
- Roberto “Manfi” Hernandez – Head Up Movement
- LO about to be defined – Vertical Sequentials and Dynamic Dive Flows
- Ryan Patrick – Camera Flying and Video
This is the most advanced Freefly/Angles level event for Release the Dragon so far and we can’t be more excited about it.
3 different disciplines (a very unique event design): Sky Surfing Angles, Head Up Movement and Sequentials/Dynamic dive flows. 3 groups of 5 + specialist discipline organizer and 1 amazing camera flyer like Ryan Patrick making sure we look great!
We might have a 4th day with Big Ways and that will include High altitude jumps with O2 (to be confirmed very soon).
This will be a very special and unique event format: 3 groups, 3 specialized Organizers (each of them will have a specific discipline), an amazing camera flyer and the one and only Release The Dragon Way (with fun activities beyond jumping and the best vibe possible).
The groups of 5 people each will be built mixing flyers with similar skill sets in all 3 disciplines we are looking to fly during the event. Everyone involved in this event needs to be proficient in Head Down orientation and advanced level angles (belly or back).
The idea is to do a minimum 5 or 6 jumps per day (depending on weather) to practice in the sky. Every jump will have a detailed video debrief.
The 3 different disciplines and organizers are:
– Keith Snyder (Kebe): Sky Surfer Organizer
– Gian Franco Malinconi: Angle Flyer Organizer
The idea to these jumps is flying specific formations and dive flows, having a sky surfer as a center of reference. We are thinking about smoke, streamers and other fun stuff to do with this unique element, crossing disciplines and flying with a legend like Kebe.
2 ) Head Up Movement
Organizer: Roberto “Manfi” Hernandez
So hot right now. This is a type of skydive that we all want to learn and get better. Manfi will adjust his dive flows and difficulty of jumps, depending on each group skill set. In that way the beginner/intermediate head up flyers will get some proper orientation and the ninjas will have some great things to learn/practice too.
3) Sequentials and Dynamic Dive Flows
Organizer: will be defined very soon
In this type of skydives we will play with a mix between Vertical Sequentials, dynamic lines and some angles. Every group will be challenged with very creative and fun jumps.
The groups will stay the same during the whole event and every day they will have a different discipline to try, with a different specialized organizer in charge.
EXTRA DAY: We are thinking about adding Sunday 13th as the BIG WAYS DAY. Every jump of this day will be from 16.000 ft and we will have O2 available for it. The whole camp will be flying together (3 groups + LOs and Camera).
The plan is to do 6 jumps that day (Big Way Head Up Movement, Big Way Sequentials and Big Way Sky Surfing Angles, 2 jumps each). This need to be confirmed by the DZ and the participants. The cost of the jump ticket for high altitude jumps will be higher than normal and will be informed soon.
– In case of weather holds, we will have seminars and video experiences to share.
– SATURDAY Night we will do a nice BARBECUE to close event sharing a good drink and watching some videos of the weekend after sunset (Zhills style). The food will be included in the registration, but the drinks are not. We encourage everyone to support our local bar that night.
If you need a place to stay during the event, send an email to Joannie@sunshinefactory.com and get a rental trailer for you and your friends. Nothing better than stay at the DZ. Wake up and fly. Finish the day, have a nice drink relaxed because you won’t have to drive. Ask for rates and availability.
– 500 jumps or recommendation from a known coach.
– Time in wind tunnel is a plus
– You need to be able to fly on your head in a group of 6 stable, on level and in control.
– You need to fly proficiently advanced angles on your belly or your back (flying your slot).
– AAD and Audible Altimeter are mandatory
Step 1: please fill this registration form
To complete your registration, you must pay the registration fee:
– PAYMENT OPTION 1 – CASH: You can pay with cash directly with me (this must happen before the event starts to save your spot).
– PAYMENT OPTION 2 – BURBLE: You can transfer the registration fee amount to my burble account at Zhills from your own account.
– PAYMENT OPTION 3 – VENMO: You can send the registration fee to this account @JustInTimeLLC
VERY IMPORTANT: Only people registered and paid will have a secure slot on the camp! Register fast before it is sold out!!!
Release The Dragon
The Power, The Style and The Moooooves