Experienced Skydivers
Welcome to Our Island
Be Part of the Skydive City Community – Get the Latest Updates on our FB Page.
Hospitality & Skydiving
- On-DZ Lodging, Entertainment, Fire Pit, Shower, Laundry
- Skydive City Sunset Bar, Blue Skies Cafe, Catering
- Sunshine Factory ProShop (813)-788-9831
- Paragone Rigging Loft
- Team Rooms, Creeping and Training Spaces
- Load Organizers & Coaches
- Skillz in the Hillz™ Camps
- Freeze Your Buns Off Boogie
- Flock ‘N Dock
- Flock & Flow
- Flamingo Fest
- Scrambles
- Turkey Chute Thanksgiving Boogie
- FLCPA Meets
- NSL Meets
- Z-Carnivale Christmas & New Year’s Eve
Be HAPPY At Z-Hills
What’s going on at Skydive City Right Now? Fun. See our Events page and Facebook page.
Safety FIRST! Our S&TAs are Richard Wilkinson, Shawn Eskew, Christopher Stubbs and Bram Clement (S&TA-at-large) I.E
Skydive City is about the fun – it’s true for our fun jumpers, rising stars, visiting teams, record-setters, videographers, tandem jumpers, and everyone who honors us by coming to Skydive City – a City of Skydiving.
You are a long way from home. We’re here to help. Fly into Tampa or Orlando. Rent a car. Or, Jerry Bird or some fun jumpers may be able to pick you up. Ask our Facebook group or inquire at info@skydivecity.com.
The Kid and Charlie made this Drop Zone briefing video for you to get you in the spirit of Z-Hills.
Here’s a paper copy of everything they just said.
Skydiver Check-in at Manifest:
- Have logbook, reserve card, USPA or your national aero club membership card, driver’s license or passport. No USPA license? See our S&TA.
- Burble. Go to Manage Drop Zones and add Skydive City. No account? Create an account at burblesoft.com.
- After you thoroughly read and understand the risks and contract, complete a paper Waiver at manifest.
- Put Money on Account at inside office at Manifest Office
- Prices are cash prices. Account maintenance fees apply for credit & debit cards.
We only refund to the card originally charged. Because we keep limited cash, we may only be able to return a small amount of cash before you depart. We will mail a check within 30 days to cash you out. ATM on site.
- Manifest on your phone or at outside window.
- Pulling off a load after 10-minute call may result in forfeiting jump price.
Manifest Hours: 8AM weekends; 9AM weekdays. Special hours posted on our Facebook Page.

- Manifest follows USPA recurrency training recommendations, SIM §5-2:
- To be current, experienced skydivers must have made a freefall within the following timeframe:
- USPA A-license: 60 days.
- B-license: 90 days.
- C-D license: 180 days.
- See S&TA for foreign license equivalents.
Manifest cannot waive these guidelines or tell you what recurrency you will need. Manifest will refer you to the S&TA or an Instructor for that. If the S&TA is not immediately available, reach out to other instructors, the owners, or Bram at SkydiveRatings.com.
There are several levels of Recurrency Training:
- Abbreviated Recurrency – discussion and one jump under the supervision of a USPA instructional rating holder
- Formal Recurrency Training — Classroom with Hanging Harness
- In some cases, re-enrollment in AFF is required after exceptionally long lay-offs.
The goal is to get you in the air safely and as quickly as reasonable.

Gear Requirements
- AADs maintained to manufacturer instructions are required.
- Reserve must be repacked by certificated parachute rigger within the last 180 days.
- Foreign jumper requirements:
- Foreign jumper may use non-TSO’d gear in the U.S. using their country’s repack rules.
- Must be packed by FAA rigger (seal on reserve) or whomever foreign country allows.
- A foreign jumper may NOT use TSO’d gear unless packed per U.S. rules (seal & 180 days) and it is packed by an FAA rigger.
- A foreigner’s non-TSO’d gear does not need to be repacked in the U.S. if packed in accordance with country’s requirements.
- Got that? Pete Hernav’s at Paragone Rigging will advise you.
- Wingloading should not exceed manufacturer recommendations.
Shipping Gear to Skydive City
Ship your gear, receive packages or correspondence during your stay:
Skydive City Inc.
4241 Sky Dive Lane
Zephyrhills, FL 33542
U.S. Customs sometimes bills Skydive City a customs fee long after a package has arrived. Because we are liable, we ask for a credit card to charge the amount.
All stays here are short term. No residences. Do not have regular mail sent or forwarded here. We are a commercial business so the US Post Office will not forward mail and it will be discarded after you depart.

Get Skydiving At Z-Hills
EVENTS – What’s Happening at Skydive City Zephyrhills?
View our EVENTS calendar and our Facebook Page to see what is happening on the DZ now.
- Plan a Skydiving Event at Skydive City.
Load Organizing
The first load organizing in our sport happened at Z-Hills, a concept pioneered by Skydive City owner Joannie Murphy who began jumping here in the 1970s.
Check out our LOAD ORGANIZERS page and the fun you will have with them.
Specialty Jumps
If night jumps are scheduled, there will be a sign up on Burble.
If night jumps are not scheduled, work with us to put together a group for at least two loads.
We usually offer night jumps on full moons during boogies. Contact info@skydivecity.com.
B-license or equivalent required. Must have jumped at Skydive City on the same day as the night jump. Must have cell phone with you – charged and operable in the U.S. with the Manifest phone in contacts (813-783-9399).
Night Jumps cost the same as a regular jump ticket plus $15 (subject to change, inquire before reserving) to cover the organizer, strobe rentals, chem lights, ground crew and other costs.
Read and study the published night jump briefing document before the required night jump briefing.

HALO Jumps
If HALO jumps are scheduled, there will be a sign up on Burble.
If HALO jumps are not scheduled, work with us to put together a group for at least two loads.
We usually offer HALO jumps during boogies. Contact info@skydivecity.com.
Jumps from 17,500’ or 22,000’ with oxygen! Must have B license equivalent or higher.
Read and study the published HALO briefing document before the jump.