Be the Best Skydiver You Can Be
Crush It in Every Discipline
Skydive City has a formal load organizing program in multiple disciplines, available on weekends and during boogies. Our organizers include our regulars who have been here for years and those with immense qualifications who are visiting.
A jumper at Skydive City tells a story. She had about 50 jumps. An experienced jumper on a dirt dive asked if she was a student. Not wanting to be excluded from the dive, the new jumper emphatically said she was not. The experienced jumper, sensing the new jumper’s feelings replied – We’re all students. I have over 3,000 jumps and am still a student. The experienced jumper took the new jumper under his wing for quite some time, ushering her into the sport – teaching her great skydives and how to achieve them – and having a lot of fun doing it! The best organizers are mentors.
Under the Wings of Others
What Is Load Organizing?
Load organizing and Skillz in the Hillz™ are about putting yourself under the wing of others. To learn skills, get into the flow of skydiving at Skydive City, commune with the skydiving family, try something new, work on specific skills, find your discipline passion, reinforce safety.
Load organizers are free. They are provided by Skydive City on weekends and on busy week days. Load organizers have a special skill: teaching and sharing their skills and experience to newcomers and oldcomers in the sport. Communicating. Briefing. Debriefing. Video Debriefing.
Many seek out load organizers to transition from A license into more advanced skydives. Others are new to the drop zone and it’s the easiest way to get involved. Some are experienced skydivers in one discipline and inexperienced in another discipline. Others are our everyday local skydivers who simply like our load organizers.
Who’s Load Organizing?
How do I get on a load?
See the Manifest white board for daily load organizers and disciplines. Or, look for our signs: RW Organizing Here, Freefly Organizing Here, Wingsuit Organizing Here. Or, ask Cam – or any one! They’ll get you in the air!
Who’s On Schedule?
More about What’s Up with Load Organizing
Want to Be a Load Organizer at Skydive City?
Skydive City has a formal Load Organizing program with defined expectations to keep the program running smoothly and inclusively. More important is that all load organizers love imparting their passion with other skydivers.
To apply: click the button below to get started on our Load Organizer Application. Cam King manages the program.
History of Load Organizing at Z-Hills
In the 1970s, local skydivers brought the concept of load organizing to Jim Hooper, then the DZO of Zephyrhills Parachute Center. Hooper was skeptical about the concept but soon became convinced that this new concept in the sport was a winner. One of the first champions of the new idea was load organizer Joannie Murphy, a founder and owner of Skydive City. She says it was different then, “We were jumping from 40-slot DC-3s, so people really needed the organizing. We would divide up the jumpers by experience and what they wanted to accomplish. We’d trade them back and forth so we would have the best dives. I always got the baby skydivers.” To this day, Murphy insists on great organizers at Z-Hills, carrying on the tradition. “It’s what we’re known for.”

RW/FS Organizers
Freefly / Angle Organizers
Wingsuit / XRW Organizers
What Is
Skillz in the Hillz™?
Skillz in the Hillz. Skydive City’s program of paid camps and paid coaching.
Build skills through personalized camps in specific disciplines. Skillz in the Hillz camps work for you! Click on the Events tab. Or, see our Facebook page for upcoming dates.