Learn to Skydive from the Best
Florida’s Best Skydiving School™ at Skydive City has trained thousands to become experienced licensed skydivers. Our AFF skydiving program is the gateway to jumping for fun and competition at Skydive City and other drop zones worldwide.
The program starts with a full day ground school intensive. In a series of progressive training and jumps (called a ‘category’), instructors hold onto the student’s harness in freefall as the student demonstrates proficiency in skills necessary to skydive independently.
Our Accelerated Freefall (AFF), and later, Advanced Freefall & Canopy Flight training, is modeled on the USPA curriculum published in the Student Information Manual. Earn your United States Parachute Association (USPA) ‘A’ License.
Each jump ‘category’ in our AFF skydiving course advances your skills and completes the steps to become a licensed skydiver. On every jump, you receive training on equipment, aircraft procedures, freefall, canopy (parachute) flight and other technical information until you become a competent skydiver.
Category ‘A’ - the First Jump
Category A = Ground School plus your first AFF jump. Ground School is 5-6 hours of practical and classroom training.
Because you wear your own parachute, you will be trained on equipment, aircraft, freefall, parachute deployment, flying and landing, and malfunctions and emergency procedures.
Often the next day, you fly to 13,500 feet with 2 instructors. All three exit the airplane and freefall together for 60 seconds. You deploy your own parachute at 5,000 feet. You steer your parachute yourself to land at the drop zone, while an experienced skydiver attempts to radio assist).
After the jump, we debrief, review the skydive, complete your logbook and prepare for Jump Number Two!
Each successive jump teaches more about freefall skydiving and parachuting.
Get started - $125 for Ground School
First jump $218, including gear rental and re-packing.

USPA License Requirements
USPA A-license requires a minimum of 25 jumps. Category A through E progresses you to become a solo student skydiver. Category F, G and H are a mix of solo and coached jumps to complete A-license requirements.
There are practical skills, like freefall and flying a parachute. And, knowledge-based skills, like equipment, aircraft procedures, spotting, emergency procedures, packing and gear assembly.
The program needn’t be completed in a short time, but you must jump at least every 30 days to stay current in your training.
A typical progression might be:
- Cat A Ground School & 1st Jump: 1 day
- Cat B thru E: 2—4 days of jumping
- First Solo Jump (Cat E3), Cat F, G & H, Check Jump, solo jumps: 5—7 days
- Parachute Packing lessons – 1 day
- We send your paperwork to USPA – you are now a Licensed Skydiver!
Each Category concludes with a knowledge quiz to gauge your progress.
Get USPA membership (required) at:
While there, study the curriculum for free download or purchase in the:
USPA Skydivers Information Manual (SIM).

AFF Pricing
AFF Packages
AFF Packages (All Prices Reflect A Cash Discount And Are Non-Refundable) | Prices |
AFF Solo Jump Package - Save $130! 8 jumps. Ground School, CAT A-E thru 1st solo. Incl gear rental, goggles, and logbook | $1750 |
AFF Deluxe A License Package - Save $220! Package includes 25 jumps-earn your A-license! 8 AFF Jumps, 8 solo jumps, 8 coach jumps and your Check Dive! Gear rental, packing lessons are included. | $3500 |
Accelerated Freefall (AFF) Pay-As-You-Go Prices
Critical skill mastery varies. Re-jumps may be required when critical skills are not mastered on the first try. We can turn most people into a skydiver, but it may take awhile and re-jumps could be required. Re-jump prices are available at manifest. If you drop out of a packaged program, posted jump and training prices apply. Skydive City reserves the right to discontinue training for safety reasons. Waiver required. All posted prices are cash prices. USPA membership is required before your first jump. Purchases USPA membership at USPA.org, about $30 for a 90-day temporary or $78 for a year-long membership. Goggles are an extra cost unless you have skydiving-appropriate goggles. USPA A-license fees are extra.
Accelerated Freefall | Prices |
Category A - First Jump Course ($125) And First Freefall Jump ($225) Learn the basics: Stable freefall, altitude awareness, deploying a parachute, safe landings. | $350 + USPA Membership |
Category B - Introduction to freefall turns and heading control. Canopy patterns and judging flight paths back to the drop zone. | $225 |
Category C - Release dives. We let you go for your first ‘solo’ freefalls. Canopy topics, planning for wind direction, holding area, and traffic avoidance. | $225 |
Category C2 - Release dives. 1 Instructor, We let you go for your Second ‘solo’ freefall. Canopy topics, planning for wind direction, holding area, and traffic avoidance. | $195 |
Category D1, D2 - Solo freefall turns up to 360° and flying the parachute using rear risers. Solo canopy pattern. Stand-up landings. | $195 each |
Category E1, E2 - Aerobatic maneuvers and recovery from instability. Accuracy solo landings with minimum or no assistance. [Category E3 jump is your first solo skydive.] | $195 each |
Category F1&2, G1,2,3 & H1&2 - Cat F is supervised “hop n pops.” Cat G and Cat H are a mix of solo and coach jumps to build skills and license requirements. | $135 each |
Category H3 Check Dive - Check Dive signs you off for solo jumping. | $195 |
Solo Jumps - You’re on your own! Includes gear rental plus packing. | $70 each |